• The other day I was walking out of a store and a guy who appeared to be homeless stepped up to me and asked if I could spare some change. I gave him a few dollars and struck up a conversation with him. I thought I would share some positive information with him and do you know what? He got offensive and told me to leave him alone. He said he LIKED his life just the way it was and walked away from me-angry. (He did take the money though.) I thought that was a bit strange-not that he took the money but, how could he like a life where whether or not he ate depended on whether or not someone else gave him a few dollars. But, hey, as my mother use to say, "to each his own". Personally, I don't believe he likes his life. I do believe that HE believes that there is nothing he could do about it and he has lived that way for so long that he simply has adapted to the life style and sees it as normal. All of his friends are probably in the same situation that he is in and they too have adapted and accepted it as a way of life.

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  •  There are some things we do not need to say, casual, otherwise we will just add pathos; some people, we don't have to wait too long, otherwise we will have time to also follow to forget; some memories, we need to implant the mind; some feelings, we can be used to wonder if life. Lonely text, a touch of sadness, hold a memorial ceremony for the season autumn, in commemoration of our grief at separation and joy in union youth......

    One day flowed, who fail to live up to the memory of time? What makes us be at a loss what to do, what makes us cry, be rather baffling and be rather baffling smile? Don't know, maybe it is time we be overcome by one's feelings, perhaps we suddenly a self, or restless wind provoke portions of the do what one wishes without restraint of the rainy season, lost this season belongs to our young no more heart and chill autumn, wet be fearless, belong to our youth.

    Time will not wait for me., we have rain, we too would not come back, we can pay no heed to the don't care about yourself to others, we can also love themselves a bit more independent of wind and rain, we also can love yourself more than love love for life a few years. We can use the most clear heart over all, with the most leisurely posture against youth, with the most gentle feelings back, for the flower, and several spring and autumn.

    We can use the most clear heart over all, with the most leisurely posture against youth, with the most gentle feelings back, for the flower, and several spring and autumn.

    We are waiting for the youth, at the crossroads of the passage of time, until finally the "Youth", he hit the road together with, there have been tears, there have been laughter; a strange city, a casual rain, a young and no more heart, the youth or covered with scars, the youth and dream. Wet. After the storm, we treat each other and youth take up arms, finally does not know that we are the dream did not get it, or it's a contemptuous disregard and a dig? Who was who was singing in the youth, who who to talk to heart talk about dreams, who is to assist financially regardless of day and night, who talked about whether honorable or humble?

    Who was who was singing in the youth, who who to talk to heart talk about dreams, who is to assist financially regardless of day and night, who talked about whether honorable or humble? We can make friends with the youth, indissoluble amorous feelings we can forgive the youth, maybe we just wishful thinking and self assertion, lousy choice of word of heartbeat and heaven and hell gap, it tears, together with the lost and uneasy, the youth drenched tremble, the green spring break pumping heart pain.

    We love to make mistakes, and we make mistakes, because most of the feelings of the time too love brains, but when the brain was too emotional love. Along the way, some people too early to see through the secret of life, and some people in the world realized too late. Life on the road what will eventually come, we have nowhere to run; the go doomed to want to walk, we cannot hold. This is the youth gives us, also we give youth the best answer.

    The thought of their heart when sleeping for many years, finally can open, original all is only Nanke dream, the world has changed, only their own stubborn struggling with the thought as strong as iron belief. When I look back, originally their young hearts really can not afford to lose, it is we can't afford to toss about.

    Along the academic ranking way, we will always at odds with youth, or there will not be a rebellious youth, be reduced to fragments of the soul, stubborn even "sorry" will not easily say "never mind", even just says, not everything can be indifferent, only around the body slightly tease the annoying smell, too all the restless, solidification in a hurry footsteps, suddenly come to nothing. The transient ablation of enthusiasm, original all is only weakness lends wings to rumours., together with scars, lose one's beyond recognition of youth, we are unwilling to be see.

    Years of quiet time, Enron, we always want to try to remember every day the youth bright appearance, but the passage of time, time to go too fast, everything came too suddenly. None of the wind and rain, drink youth pain and shame......

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  • The revamp of Powerball in January 2012 changed the price of a ticket from $1 to $2, a move that upped the chances of the game reaching a major jackpot. There was a loss in the number of players, but the new game - which also created more chances to win smaller, $1 million and $2 million prizes - has brought in 52% more in sales, Strutt said. Sales were $5.9 billion in the fiscal year that ended in June Library of Congress .

    Still, the way casual players define a major jackpot has changed. Behavioral economist George Loewenstein, who teaches at Carnegie Mellon University, said people judge things in relative terms Crucian carp .

    "We compare things," he said. "If there are a lot of jackpots, even though they're all enormous numbers, people are going to start comparing them and if there are billion-dollar jackpots, then $100 million jackpots that used to feel enormous are going to seem much smaller, even though in terms of the impact on your life of winning 100 million or 1 billion, it probably isn't all that different political task."

    Though Lisa Ravenell, of Philadelphia, said she buys tickets randomly, she admits the higher jackpot catches her attention. She also noted the frequency of announcements about winners from the area, which she feels contributes to her wanting to buy.

    "The 400 million is appealing" the 47-year-old said. "I think deep down inside, more or less, I'd buy it because it's a big amount."

    So when jackpots swell, people still line up for their chance at a life-changing payoff, even though their chances at winning the top prize are the same if there is a small jackpot Cherson Label Printing.

    Felipe Pi?±a, of Los Ojos, N.M., claimed a $62.8 million Powerball jackpot in May 2007 and frequently buys lottery tickets at the same rural convenience store where his Quick Pick method won big. He has a ritual of buying lottery tickets via Quick Pick at the same store and at the same time, and he's not fazed by what others see as a small jackpot.

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  • Take this at face value: Detroit has 50% more venture-backed startups than it did three years ago. This comes from a study from the Michigan Venture Capital Association (MVCA) which found there are 35 active venture-backed startups in Detroit. Sure, that’s not a huge number compared to other regions, but the growth is notable VPN HK .

    I live in the great state of Michigan and can attest to the growth. Startups are quickly becoming part of the culture in areas previously dominated by massive, soul-crushing corporations. Over the last several years, startups became part of the soul of Detroit, Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor, and these reports confirm that feeling.

    The MVCA points out that the State of Michigan is following a similar growth trend, though at a slighter slower pace than in Detroit. Over the last five years, there has been a 48% increase of venture-backed startups in Michigan.

    There are several things that make Detroit attractive to startups. Office space is inexpensive and talent is plentiful thanks to the proximity of world-class universities and corporations. Several area industrialists like Dan Gilbert and the Ilitch family have turned to startups to help reinvigorate the area around their core businesses.

    According to the MVCA, state-wide, 42% of VC money goes into the life science sector while 31% is invested into information technology. However, in the city of Detroit, the distribution is flipped with information technology netting 43% of the investment while life sciences accounts for 23%. Mobility accounts for 5% statewide and 8% in Detroit.

    Like other areas, going back to startups completes the circle for Michigan businesses. At one time, the massive automobile industry was just a collection of startups run by determined, and sometimes ruthless, entrepreneurs.

    Billy Durant, Henry Ford, Walter Chrysler and the Dodge brothers all built their companies inside Michigan but the success didn’t happen overnight. Through heavy competition, corporation and capital investment, these men built empires out of startups and Michigan, like other HealthCabin ecfplaces, are hoping a new group of entrepreneurs can start an industry with the same staying power as the automobile industry.

    I used to joke with people that there was no reason to come to Michigan now that Founders and Bell’s beer can be found nationwide. But that’s not true anymore. Come to Michigan and see the new life in downtown Detroit. Drive the 45 minutes to Ann Arbor and see the vibrant startup scene that has existed for years. Go over to Grand Rapids and walk around the hopping (beer puns are the best) city filled with breweries and startups. Finally, make your way over to Lake Michigan and see the monstrous sand dunes that line the best Great Lake. And if you happen to make your way up to Flint, drop me a DM and let’s get coffee. The water’s fine.

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  •   生活的情趣不僅僅是吃喝遊樂、花鳥文房、男歡女愛、兒孫滿堂,更在於不斷地去細心觀察和發覺生活中那些微小的瑣事雜事,在經過一番琢磨與動手後,感覺是在豐富著自己的田園小日子,於是那種寓於平凡中採擷出成功的喜悅之心境溢於言表。如果再將這種體會與大家交流分享的話,就形成了一種群體的良性互動,其實這就是一種對生活的真切態度——是熱愛,更有品味。


      這不,有一天我在清理衛生間時,偶然發現了老婆平時使用過的業已不能再用的許多小肥皂塊,攢了足足一袋子。當時就想,這麼多的碎肥皂扔了還真挺可惜的,可不扔吧,都是些徹底幹透了的肥皂渣沒法用,這可咋整好呢? 哎,不如把它倒到一容器裏用水熬一熬,晾乾後看會是一番怎樣的情形吧。於是說幹就幹開了。還真別說,結果出乎我的意料,您猜怎麼著,廢舊利用後產出的新肥皂還真的是太好使了,不但用起來得心應手,而且特耐用。






      不滿您說,這小小的用心與動手,不但自己小有成就之感,還博得了老婆大人的滿口稱讚,因為她說正愁沒法弄那些碎渣子而打算扔掉呢。據她估莫著,這四塊自製而成的肥皂至少能頂五六條超市新買的大肥皂! 好傢伙,真沒想到這徒手之勞竟然撿回了這麼多的肥皂不說,還引發了老婆好一頓的高興,而這一高興不打緊,那天她還特意地為我買了兩道我愛吃的好菜以資下酒(其費用可遠遠不止買五六條肥皂)。哈哈,讓我飄飄然的美了好幾天,愜意的很哦。



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